Setting up the iGPU

So this little section is for those who are wanting to run their iGPU as their primary/sole display output.

Setting up your config.plist

So to setup your iGPU for dsplay tasks, we need to set a framebuffer appropriate for this task. To setup a framebuffer, we'll need specify the PCIRoot path. Luckily for us, intel has stayed consistent on this path for all of their iGPUs:


Now we need to to find a framebuffer approrpiate for our iGPU, you can find a list of these values in the GPU Buyers Guide or in the Intel Framebuffer Patching Guide. For the majority you can find your iGPU here:

Ivy Bridge:

  • HD 4000

    • 0A006601


  • HD 4600

  • HD 4400

    • 0300220D

  • NOTE: HD 4400 isn't natievly supported, you will need to spoof it into an HD 4600 which is supported:


  • HD 530

    • 00001219


  • HD 630

    • 00001659


  • UHD 630

    • 07009B3E

Now with all the nessary values, we can put this in our config.plist:

Under Devices -> Properties you'll want to add your PCIRoot on the left and our framebuffer properties on the right:

  • NOTE: Swap 00001219 for the framebuffer appropriate for your GPU

And for those who cannot set their iGPU's memory to 64MB in the BIOS will also need to add this patch to decrease the requirement to 19MB:

Having either color or display out issues?

Sometimes macOS won't be able to correctly tell which display out is which so it may apply displayPort properties onto an HDMI port or vise versa. To fix this, you can refer to the Pink/ Purple Tint section in the r/Hackintosh Vanilla Guide

Last updated